Giving is a biblical principal that when lived by, produces a rich harvest in our lives.


Thank you for your support. Choose a fund to give towards and enter an amount for your gift. Your giving is making a difference in this church, our community, and the world.

General Donations

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Select a Block Below

Tithe & Offering [asp_product id="875"]

Tithe & Offering

We need all the support we can have to raise money to purchase our Church Building. No amount is to small or too big.

Building Campaign [asp_product id="875"]

Building Campaign

We need all the support we can have to raise money to purchase our Church Building. No amount is to small or too big.

$1 a Day for Hungry Children [asp_product id="877"]

$1 a Day for Hungry Children

We need all the support we can have to raise money to purchase our Church Building. No amount is to small or too big.

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